The Science Behind CONFITROL24™
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Clinical Study Shows Dramatic Improvement
Within 2 to 4 Weeks!
In this 2018 clinical study, participants took two capsules of Urox® (820mg total) or a placebo every day for two months. The results? The participants
taking Urox reported:
- 60% reduction in urinary incontinence
- Almost 50% reduction of nighttime bathroom visits
- Significant reduction in urgency
- 75% of participants reduced their use of absorbent underwear
- Significant improvement in urgency throughout the day
- Significant improvement in quality of life
“Urox® with crateva, horsetail and lindera improves symptoms of urinary intencontinence, urgency, frequency and nocturia within two weeks of use.”
– Seipel Group
Feel Confident Again—Without Adult Diapers, Kegel Exercises or Other Remedies That Disappoint
When your bladder and pelvic floor muscles are strong, they can handle any extra pressure from a cough, sneeze or laugh. But just like muscles in other parts of your body, bladder muscles also weaken with age. In women, they’re also weakened by pregnancy or weight gain.
When this happens, any sudden pressure can push urine out of the bladder unexpectedly. Your bladder muscles lose strength and can’t empty your bladder completely. That’s why you feel the frequent urge to go.
Most so-called solutions to bladder problems aren’t solutions at all.
Diapers and pads are bulky and you still have to worry about odor. And after a certain age—Kegels just don’t cut it!
1 *Schoendorfer N, Sharp N, Seipel T, Schauss AG, Ahuja KDK. Urox® containing concentrated extracts of Crataeva nurvala stem bark, Equisetum arvense stem and Lindera aggregata root, in the treatment of symptoms of overactive bladder and urinary incontinence: a phase 2, randomised, double-blind placebo controlled trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2018;18(1):42. Published 2018 Jan 31. doi:10.1186/s12906-018-2101-4
“Don’t Suffer in Silence.”
“For something that affects close to 18 million women, it is surprising how many choose to suffer urinary incontinence in silence. All of this stems from the misinformed idea that incontinence is an untreatable consequence of having had children or as a result of aging.” ~ National Association for Continence
“Infections more likely…”
“Older women are more likely to get UTIs because the bladder muscles weaken and make it hard to fully empty the bladder. This causes urine to stay in the bladder. When urine stays in the bladder too long, it makes an infection more likely.” ~ National Institute of Aging
“Nearly 60 million Americans experience bladder problems”
“The NIH reported that 58.6 million Americans experienced urinary incontinence alone. In fact, bladder health issues could be one of the greatest health concerns in the future considering aging populations and that the prevalence of these issues increase with age.” ~ Tracey Seipel, N.D.
Studies show that Confitrol24 with Urox® can significantly reduce the
symptoms of overactive bladder, leakage and urgency.
Now You Can Erase Your Bladder Worries…
and Start Feeling Confident and
Carefree Again!
Try it Risk Free – 100% Satisfaction Guarantee